Tuesday, December 29, 2009
My Favorite Books - 18m - 2yrs
Friday, December 11, 2009
My Favorite Books - 12 - 18m
My Favorite Books - 0-12m
As the holidays roll around and I start planning gifts for friends and family, I've been thinking about my favorite books for different age groups.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Brr! It's getting cold outside!
Ok, so up until today (which is 63 degrees) it has been getting progressively colder in NYC. It was cold enough that last week I broke out the winter gear - hats, mittens, boots, coats and "bundlers." This week is devoted to some of my favorite winter gear.

Friday, September 4, 2009
Quick Favs - Travel Changer

Thursday, September 3, 2009
Alert! $10 Pajamas at Gymboree!

Quick Favs - High Chair to Go

Wednesday, September 2, 2009
My Favorite Books - Slide and Peek! by Amazing Baby

Thursday, August 27, 2009
Quick Favs - Oh my achin' knees!

Quick Favs - Travel Bouncer

Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Review: Boon Squirt feeding spoon

Review: Phil&Ted Wriggle Wrapper

Thursday, June 25, 2009
Sale! Land of Nod and Stokke Cribs

Saturday, May 30, 2009
Get your ass to the gym! (just kidding)
So almost every mom I know (and a lot of dads) are struggling to get back in shape after having a baby. I should preface this with the fact that I don't love the gym. Not bad, just expensive, time consuming and impossible to do with kids (unless you have a gym with kid care and even then, ew....). I figured for the $150/month that I saved in dropping my gym membership, over a few months I could get some great gear to stay in shape. Here's the short list of what I bought and love.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Adventures in Potty Training: Part 2 - Potty To Go
Ah, every parents' favorite words 5-10 minutes after you leave home (or 5 minutes after the plane takes off)..."need to go potty!!" Unless you're traveling in an RV - and even if you are - this poses a problem. You can either ignore it - at your peril - or find a place for them to do their business.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Adventures in Potty Training: Part 1 - My Big Girl/Boy Potty
So we're in full potty training mode at our house. It all started so innocently about three months ago when Tot #1 was 18m old and came across a copy of Alona Frankel's classic "Once Upon A Potty." After initially skipping through most of it, all of the sudden Tot #1 got REALLY into it. We had to read it every time she took a nap. And every time she went to bed. I'll admit we - as parents - got a little into it too. We used some WiteOut to replace the name with our daughter's and to fix the terms to be those we use (I just never grew up saying "pee-pee" and didn't really want my daughter to...).

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Review: Skip*Hop Swipe

The new Skip*Hop Swipe is my new best friend. I don't know why no one thought of this before, but kudos to Skip*Hop for another product that is not only modern and stylish, but conveniently meets the everyday needs of parents.
With 2 kids - heck, with one kid - I've always hated having to rifle through my diaper bag to get at the wipes every time I need to clean messy hands, runny noses, or miscellaneous nastiness off my stroller. It is easy to snap on to the handle bar of any stroller, but I love this so much I bought one for each stroller.
It also easily opens you can quickly refill it with your wipes of choice. No more hunting around for travel-size packs of wipes. Woo hoo!
My only minor complaint is that it is tricky to get the red button completely closed so if you don't use it for a while your wipes can dry out. We go through wipes at a fast enough rate that this isn't an issue at our house. The trick to closing it is to slide the red button all the way down and then gently push it in towards the wipes until you feel a "click."
If you don't own one of these yet you should go buy one (Amazon.com and Magic Beans carry it or you can buy it directly from the Skip*Hop website). It really is fantastic.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Hospital Bag
Ok, so I'm going to break the "strictly baby gear" rule already. A few of my pregnant friends recently asked me what you need to have in your bag for the hospital. Here are the essentials. Pack it at least 4 weeks before your due date. In fact, while you're thinking about it, pack it now. Make sure your husband/partner/significant other/labor coach knows where it is. Maybe just park it by your front door (or toss it in your car).
- Plastic bag of Essentials (copies of hospital paperwork, insurance card, doula/doctor/pediatrician names and phone numbers)
- Clear hard candies in flavors you like (life savers, jolly ranchers, etc.)*
- Gatorade (powder mix if you can find it)*
- Large bottle of water (~1L)
- Bendable straws
- Extra hair bands
- Camera
- Flip flops
- Chapstick
- Magazines, Book or iPod w/ headphones (you could be there a while and might need a distraction)
- 2 Pillows with COLORED pillow cases
- Eye glasses (if you have them)
- Exercise ball and pump (if you’re using one)
- Gum and bland snacks (for your Significant Other)
* if your OB will let you have them. Make sure to ask at your next appointment
Small Suitcase for your stay in Maternity:
- Cardigan or zip hoodie
- Lightweight cotton bathrobe
- Medela Comfort Nursing bra (1-2)
- Underwear (3-4)
- Nursing nightgown (1-2)
- Toiletries (shampoo/conditioner, body wash, hair stuff, a little blush + lip gloss for pictures, extra contacts + saline, deodorant)
- Outfit to wear home (not involving pants/tights/leggings)
- Balance Bars or some other pre-packaged snacks
- Cellphone charger
Significant Other (if they are "rooming in" with you during your stay in Maternity):
- Underwear (1-2)
- T-shirt (1-2)
- PJ pants
- Flip flops
- Outfit to wear home (sleep suit or similar coverage)
- Outerwear (depending on the season - a sweater for spring/summer or a jacket, hat, mittens for fall/winter)
- Carseat
Have Someone - i.e your parents or a close friend - Bring You:
- FOOD and SNACKS (hospital food really is terrible)
- Bottled water (4-6, 20oz+ size bottles are best)