About 3-4 times a year Gymboree has their big baby sale. Everything over $20 is marked down to $20. Everything $10 - $19.75 is marked down to $10. Plus you get Gymbucks which are always fun.

I LOVE the Gymboree pajamas. They are 100% cotton, super soft and they wear well (wash after wash after wash). At $10 a set ($8 if you remember to bring that 20% off Gymboree coupon you got in the mail) you can't beat the price. In fact, stock up for winter because you won't find a better price (until the next time they run the Baby Sale).

They also have some other really cute things for fall. Like this great little fleece-lined faux fur bunny jacket ($20 or $16 with the coupon).
They also just launched a monkey collection for little girls (3m - 5T). The colors are classic adult fall colors (burnt orange, yellow)...that is to say they are ugly, but they'll hide a lot of fall playground grime. The monkeys are pretty cute and Tot #1 pretty much refuses to wear anything else.
Good tip - if your local Gymboree store is out of stock on the size or style you want, ask them to order it for you from the warehouse. After about 5 minutes on the phone, they will arrange for it to be sent directly to you and you won't have to pay shipping (if you mention that you got the direct mail piece they'll give you the 20% off as well).
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